Meet Our Coaches

Chandi Rae
Chandi Rae, Is a self-made entrepreneur, a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, rape survivor that resulted in her becoming a teen mom at 15 years old. Chandi Rae grew up as a military brat in Tennessee, California and Germany which postured her as a well-rounded and grounded woman who’s able to navigate well in diverse cultures. Chandi Rae is an international speaker, image consultant, author and a board certified professional master life coach specializing in confidence, image transformation and helping other find their life purpose. Chandi Rae developed a strong love and passion for professional development after
an extraordinary training/boot camp with world renown motivational speaker, Les Brown.
Chandi Rae created a life transformational workshop and retreat called Vanish Board™, this workshop retreat has become international as it has impacted women all across the United States as well as other countries such as Canada, Port Antonio Jamaica and Africa. Chandi Rae has taken her conferences Tell Your Story, and Shero the run way internationally to Nairobi, Kenya. Though Chandi possesses many gifts and skill sets, she is very humble in character, compassionate, and giving. She accredits these accomplishments to the strength and core of who she is which lies in her strong spiritual beliefs. Chandi Rae’s ultimate mission is to spread hope and empower women globally to visualize and manifest the life of their dreams and to exemplify an authentic image from the inside out.

Dwain Wilkinson
Dwain Wilkinson is above all, a father, and a highly driven, hardworking native from Miami, FL. Not only is he the owner and creative designer of his graphic design company (DGFX Miami, LLC), Dwain also is a full-time security director, and musician for his church. Dwain was raised in Nassau, Bahamas when his parents decided to move after college in 1984. Dwain returned to the united states at the age of 16, where he completed high school and joined the US Navy in 2001. After 5 years of service, Dwain was discharged in 2006 and returned to his hometown where he enrolled in college and obtained his BA in Business Administration in 2012.
In 2010, Dwain was introduced to a beginner course in photoshop and found his passion for graphic design. By 2011, became a freelance graphic designer and started DGFX Miami, LLC. He would go on to provide services internationally for clientele, contract celebrity projects, and take on the role of creative director for several organizations.
Dwain fell in love with music at an early age. Always excited to learn new things, he taught himself how to play the piano at the age of 16. Dwain was hired as the church musician in 2008 where he currently plays to date. He has held the title of deacon, youth director, and minister of music during his tenure.
Dwain has over 17 years of security experience working for both Homeland Security and private contracted security agencies. He is knowledgeable in the security field and prides himself for recognition as an asset to any company.
Dwain has now turned his efforts to mentoring young men and women; teaching those have a passion for graphic design and are interested in perfecting their craft. He passionately believes that “No one gets left behind.”

Janel Lanae
Janel Lanae is a multitalented, award winning Social Worker, who has allowed her passion and dedication for mental health to evolve the lives of others in everything that she does.
She was raised in an addiction torn environment, enduring years of physical and sexual abuse that pushed her to the brink of insanity. She’d faced incarceration, mental facility lock downs, and multiple suicide attempts before she was registered as a ward of the state. She became a teen mother in the foster care system at just 14 years old, and soon ydedicated herself to healing and cultivating herself to be a positive impact in her child’s life. ​​
She refused to give up, and worked diligently to take advantage of every opportunity to advance herself and strengthen her influence. The tumultuous experiences that she faced throughout her life, sparked a desire to help others who were bound by trauma and negative perceptions. This pushed her into the Social Work field at The Ohio State University.
In 2018, she began her interior designing business, “Soulace”, the harmonious blend of soul and solace, to address the imbalance within client environments. Soulace is an interior designing business that incorporates many therapeutic benefits for the energetic enhancement of a space through organization, color, plant life, art, and raw expression of self.
In 2021, Janel Lanae curated “P.O.W.E.R.” , a transformational healing program under The Detour Program. POWER is defined as the Preservation of self, Optimism for the future, Worship at all times, Enduring when it’s unbearable, and Reflecting, but never reversing. She integrated an interactive self healing system that helps clients navigate through each barrier of their healing journey. The “12 POINT POWER SYSTEM” creates an effective and manageable way to establish and complete goals. It stands as a merit to hold ourselves accountable for how we use our power as we navigate through life. It helps to reduce stress, transforms negative feelings towards self and others, and implements new healing habits that help regenerate and sustain us on our path to complete restoration.
In 2022, Janel is excited to share many of the tools from her experiences and research to connect with others, to continue to learn and grow as an individual as as a leader, and to enhance and empower the lives of many.

Chicago Native Temecka Russell is an innovative, hardworking, entrepreneur who is the COO of ASRWIT Educational Consulting and CAR-G Squared LLC Educational and Literacy company. Temecka by trade is a Certified Apple Educator teaching Secondary English/Language Arts & Reading Educator, who has now added Certified Life Coaching. Temecka has a Master's in Education from Grand Canyon University.
She has also earned a Master's in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus in Secondary Reading. A former Reading Adjunct, Curriculum Coach and Educational Consultant, Temecka loves to read as well as teach others to read. Temecka has also had the privilege of creating core curriculum and virtual instruction due to the recent Covid-19 Pandemic.
Temecka is very passionate when it comes to being an active member in the community of shaping tomorrow's leaders. As a parent, one of Temecka's most proudest moments occurred in 2016 when she, along with her daughter, released their first Young Adult novel, Being a Boss Like Ari Ross. This YA novel is an empowering journey of a young Black Girl's journey to finding her voice. She is extremely pleased, proud, and excited to introduce her freshman novel and the beloved character of Ari Ross.
As the parent of a budding young Black Girl, empowering other young girls of color has become important for Temecka. It is also important to Temecka that she emulates to young ladies in each of her classroom experiences, someone who has successfully survived some of the same struggles in which they find themselves dealing in today's times. For this reason, she makes sure to build rapport which encourages, supports and champions their successes.
Constemecka Russell